I am a foodie. I love different flavors, so when my husband arrived to the United States, I was excited to share with him all the flavors of California. He didn't like my food at first. I tried recipe after recipe for him, and night after night the response was mediocre at best. I soon tired of cooking food that went to waste because he didn't like it. I stopped cooking and I love to cook. But cooking is no fun when there isn't any enjoyment when it is eaten. After about 3 years of marriage, he began to experiment with food. He started trying different items and became willing to eat things he had never eaten. AND, he started to like food. Yay- and with that, I started to cook again. Now, he always asks me, "When did you learn to cook?" As if this is a new thing for me. My answer- "It isn't when did I learn to cook, it is when did you learn to eat?" This blog is a collection of recipes that I have created. I make new things all the time, but I don't write anything down and then I either forget that I made it, or I forget how to make it. I don't know if anyone is out there that will read this- but if you do, I hope you enjoy trying my recipes. Buen Provecho!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is Poached Chicken?

Poached chicken is just a fancy way to say boiled.
When I poach chicken I use the same base ingredients.
Garlic cloves- although I buy the chopped garlic and just put in some heaping spoonfuls
Bay Leaf
Just put the chicken in a pot (or crockpot). Chop the onion into 4 big pieces. Add 2 or more spoonfuls of garlic (or just smash a few cloves and throw it in). Add a couple of bay leaves. Add water to cover and boil away. Usually takes 20-30 minutes. You can do it in the crockpot. I did 5 chicken breasts 4 hours on high and it was perfect.
The best thing about this chicken is you can use any kind of chicken, but boneless is definitely suggested unless you want to fish out the bones.
When you are done, you can save the liquid and you have homemade broth. I always boil it for about 10-15 minutes after I removed the chicken so I know that I know there is nothing raw in the broth. After the broth cools, you can place it in a freezer bag and freeze it.

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